Friday, January 05, 2007

A Winter Trek

Well, just a walk in the field really. Across the street from us the houses back onto a huge field , then railway tracks and some forested hillside. We hear and see people out there on ski doo's and quads all the time so we decided to go and check it out. Rob, Katie and I, oh and Jersey too, hiked across the field to the tracks and then down a bit and back to the house. It was deep snow but mostly hard packed so as long as we stayed on the sled tracks it was easy walking. The field is huge and continues on around the north west side of town all the way to the Alaska Highway and then goes into the forested hill a fair ways before houses start. Apparently the field is privately owned but the owners live in California. Rob and John went out the next day on the quads to check it out further and found a huge tobbogan hill and tons of trails. They got stuck a few times in the deep snow where they got off the ski doo trails and then hit water in some culverts they were driving through so they came home soaking wet but with huge grins of course! We will try to get out for a day of quading and tobboganing with the Poestch's if both guys are off work one day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jersey looks so great in that color. Nice photos. When it isn't so windy we can go out toboganning.