Friday, January 05, 2007

Photos of Rob

For Robyn in Australia - Its amazing isnt it?

For everyone else - Rob and I were "blog surfing" the other day - clicking on links off friends sites to see where other bloggers were from. Its amazing how global blogging is and cool to see peoples pics from parts of the world we have never seen, so anyways, Rob clicked on Robyn's link as she is in Australia and nearly fell over when a picture of her husband popped up... He and Rob look so alike its uncanny! I am not very good at blogging yet and I dont know how to put a link in - and dont know if Robyn would be comfortable with me linking to her page - so I will have to wait to see if they reply and then can maybe post some pics to show you - I commented for them to check out my blog for shots of Rob.
Typing this in I feel a bit odd - I know many bloggers surf other peoples sites but we rarely do and had never commented before to someone we dont know. Kinda weird to think of who might look at our family pics, hope I didnt freak them out either... "hi, we dont know you but were looking at your family pictures"... This new online world is odd to get used to - I wonder if our children will have problems with this when they are our age - will it become a more open but trustworthy world or will there still be peeping toms and such?


Anonymous said...

Hi Jen! Thank you for visiting, I love it when new people pop in and say hi :) I can see what you mean with our husbands - I think Rob's face is probably longer although its hard to tell in a side-on shot.
Actually reading through your 100 list there are quite a few similarities between us - freaky! :)
It IS a bit weird, the whole blogging "community". I've had a lot of fun though, and its been fun that some of my blogging buddies have now become "real" friends.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny that our husbands are blog surfing now too. Maybe they should start their own blog. I sure had fun Scrapbooking yesterday, lets do that again soon.

Vicki said...

I aree that you can meet new people, see people that look like you...and even connect with 'old' friends. I've had a few people from the past contact me because of my blog. It's a small, small world.