Saturday, December 02, 2006

Entering the next Decade

So as most of you know - I turned 30 yesterday... and no, I dont feel any older!
I actually am kinda excited to be 30 - I have always felt young as many of my friends and most of my co-workers are older than me, now, although I am still younger than them, I am no longer such a "youngun". Maybe its being so short as well, but I often feel like I am struggling for respect- especially at work, so now, ha... I'm old. lol It is so weird how when you're a teenager 30 seems so old and now it seems so young. I actually caught myself calling a 20 year old a kid... I would have been pissed if someone called me a kid when I was 20!
I will always remember this lady I did homecare for years ago, she was 102 yrs old, I remember her talking about her age and telling me that she still felt the same as she did when she was 17 in her head and heart. I didnt really believe her, but now I think I am getting it, I still do feel like the same person- maybe a bit wiser, and at the same time a bit bolder, but just me.
To all of you who are older than me I'm sure you're laughing now saying "well, duh", but to my siblings who are younger than me - cant wait till you're 30 and say "now I know what you meant"!
I do have to do some bragging now... I normally hate to outright brag but..... I got diamonds!!!!! Rob came home last night with diamond studd earings for me! AAAHHHHH!!! made me cry, and I dont usually get sappy and cry, but that did it. lol.
Rob was at camp for 4 days and then on the way home (on nov 30), his truck froze up and stalled out. We couldnt get a tow truck that night, so had to wait till morning (dec 1) and leave the truck and all his tools on the side of the alaska highway... needless to say I wasnt really expecting him to get out and get me much as he was a bit stressed out about why the truck had died and if it would be ok. but... DIAMONDS!!! wow.
ok I'm done now and will shut up. Miss you all and looking forward to a good visit over the holidays.


K said...

Happy Birthday Jen. 30 is not so bad. I celebrated mine by getting a tattoo I had always wanted and by 30 I realised I was finally grown up enough to get one. Hope you had a great day and are staying warm up there. Actually, weve seen on the news that it has warmed up, so that's good. take Care-

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Diamonds! Glad you are one of us now. Happy Birthday

Anonymous said...

I meant being 30 by the way. JUst in case you didn't get that. Although we appartently look like we belong in a Grade 10 class. Too funny!! See you in the morning.

Vicki said...

Happy belated birthday! I'm a little behind on my blog reading!!