Friday, November 17, 2006

Snow... and more snow!

Wow what an introduction to northern winter - it has snowed almost every day since we got here! The snow in the backyard today was over my knees!!!! Its great fun to drive in, looks really pretty, but is not so great to shovel... a word of advice : when buying a home up north look for the smallest driveway available!! lol. We may be buying a snow blade for the front of our quad before the winter is out - Rob always wanted a ride on mower...

Katie is adjusting well to school here, I am enormously pleased with her class - it is so calm compared to the one back home - I know its just the luck of the draw as to what kind of kids are in the class, but there were several behavior issue children in the last class and it was very hectic. Here they are all so quiet, no one hitting or pushing! They go outside for "recess" 4 days a week which I like for the exercise part but she is not crazy about cause its cold. She started Jazz this week and will start ballet and sparks next week. She has been adjusting fairly well, but has complained of tummy pains a couple times which I think are a bit of nerves. She says she misses, Nana and Papa and Gran and uncle Ross but she does love our new home and loves seeing daddy and vayda!

Rob is back to work - long hours this last two days but he was so happy to have a house with his family and home cooked food tonight instead of a lonely motel and restaurant.

Jolanda and I got a short visit yesterday and today but its been pretty hectic this week - next week we are planning to go the gym together and put Tessa and Katie in the childminding room for an hour while we work out and yak!!!

Here are a few pics of the house from the outside and all the snow (for you Ross).


K said...

yikes!! That is more snow than weve seen for a while. I actually love to shovel snow and got lots of practice during our years in Alberta. Your house looks great!

Poetsch Family said...

They are expecting more snow over the next couple weeks. Yeah for us.

Anonymous said...

goodmorning jen and rob and katie
not much snow here , had a wind storm branches all over.
poppa better this week.
stan and chickie and terrylynn cming for xmas
we miss you and look forward to seeing you at your moms all for now love nanna